Remarks At The Palace Of The Emir Of Kaltungo, Dr. Saleh Muhammad, In Gombe State
It is a very special privilege to visit you today. Thank you for the very warm welcome that we have received.
I have also listened very carefully to all HRH has said especially about some of the requests that have been made. In particular, the anti-venom laboratory which HRH talked about. I am sure that everyone will recall that the laboratory was started by President Buhari when he was chairman of PTF. In fact, he was the one who as Chairman of PTF, sent the doctors off to Wales to establish that anti-venom laboratory specifically for Kaltungo. So, there is a familiar history here that relates to the President and I am sure that when he is reminded of it, he will be very happy to make sure that the task is completed.
I also want to mention that the ecological problems would be completed, already the first phase has been done, we will complete the second phase too.
The other issues, I don’t think that it should be much of a problem, the Federal Polytechnic, it has already been passed to the National Assembly, we will follow it and make sure that it is done.
Kaltungo is a special place in many ways and a place of great history. Everywhere around our country, that has great history, it is our duty as a government to preserve such places.
I can only say that the government of President Buhari is one that has served now for about three years or so, and I want to emphasize that the reason why we believe that a second term is important is that it is important for our country to have a long period of honest and truthful leadership.
The problem of our country has never been ideas or projects. It is honest leadership that has always been the problem. It is because leaders simply steal the money of our country and we must be frank with ourselves. It is important to let ourselves know that the reason why nothing works in our country is that of theft of public funds.
By 2050, Nigeria will be the third most populous nation of the world, third after China and India. If our leaders steal money the way they have been stealing money over the past years, millions of Nigerians will be dying all over the place because then the population will be more than what we have today.
So, it is important for Nigeria to have a period of honest leadership, that is why we are determined to tell the Nigerian people everywhere we go that the next elections are about the future of our country, it is not about Muhammadu Buhari. Our country must have an honest, righteous leadership, a man who will not allow the money to be stolen.
Between 2010 and 2014, the government earned $383billion, that is the highest any government in the history of the country has earned in 4 years. But there is nothing to show for it, where are the roads, the railways? This money was just wasted or stolen, that was what happened. That is why after 4 years of earning the highest amount, you can’t point to anything. Mambilla Hydro project 40 years and nobody touched it; Alaja-Warri rail line, nothing; Lagos-Kano rail line, nothing; Port Harcourt- Maiduguri line, nothing.
From 2015 to 2017 December, we earned just $94billion, yet we started the Lagos-Kano, we are now passed Ibadan; we completed the Abuja light rail which they started and could not complete. For Lagos-Ibadan, it was when we came that we did it; in every state, we are doing a major road. Why? It is because the President does not allow anyone to steal the money. If you have small money, you can do a lot if you are not stealing it; that is what we have shown that with small money, if you are not stealing it, you can do a lot.
This election is one that we must protect, protect our future by voting for Muhammadu Buhari, he is our future; because the future of this country depends on honest, truthful leadership. Just looking around, I know that here in Gombe, we have already won! And I want to thank you for what you are doing. It is your type of leadership that is required, not just educated, but forthright and committed to doing the things that are right for the people.
Thank you.