VP Osinbajo Receives Delegation of Girl Child Rights Advocates on 11/10/2017

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In university, my first year, in fact the very first person to get a First Class in the Faculty of Law in the University of Lagos was actually a married woman with 4 children. Not only was she female, she was married with children. Thereafter, we have seen excellent examples of that.

Only those who, for some reason or the other would want to deceive themselves, argue at all that there is any difference of any kind, especially in intelligence even in capacity.
I think more importantly in our society, especially because there are all sorts of historical, cultural type of prejudices and discriminatory practises, we have almost come to accept that there is a difference between the way girls are treated and the way boys are treated.

But I think that we are getting over that, especially with you young people, who are advocating even right from now, about the way that girls should be treated and equality of treatment. These days people argue about who is a feminist and not. I think it is something that shows the level of awareness there is all over the world today. I am really excited to see that you girls are advocating the rights of women and children and there is a great deal of work that can be done.

But I would also like to see many of the young boys also advocating, especially the rights of girl. We had the unique opportunity of doing so when the Ministry of Women Affairs launched what was described as the ‘He–For-She” campaign. I thought that was very creative. These are young men, boys, advocating girls’ rights. That, I think, is one way of ensuring that there is understanding across board especially with young people as they grow up.

So I am really glad to see you all and also to congratulate you today that has been set aside for the girl child. Of course as you know, we have had the unfortunate experience of having the Chibok girls abducted. Some of them have returned and are back home but there are still some who are out there and we are working every day to bring them back home.

It is very important for us that those girls are returned because anyone who has either a friend or a child recognizes that girls are more vulnerable than men especially when they have been abducted by men older and stronger than themselves and held in captivity for so long.