VP’s Remarks At The National Breakfast Meeting
I bless the name of the Almighty God for yet another opportunity to join the sons and daughters of God at the national prayer breakfast. We bless the name of the Lord for the 10th anniversary and I know that the Almighty God who has made it possible for us to be here, has also blessed us and will continually bless us in Jesus’ mighty name.
As I reflected on what my remarks would contain, the scripture that kept coming to me was Isaiah 54:17, a very popular scripture and prayer. And I believe that the reason why that scripture kept coming to me is because God knows that someone here needs to be reassured that no weapon fashioned against you will prosper. And if you are that person, perhaps, you need to loud a louder Amen. As Rev. Paul Rika said as he sang, “Thank you, Jesus, all fear is gone”, I think we should thank the Lord Jesus because all fear is gone. That scripture says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment, you shall condemn.” It goes on to say, “This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is from me says the Lord.” In other words, there is no weapon whatsoever, whether it’s a physical weapon, sickness, disease, dying before a certain age, whether the disease is inherited or not, whatever that physical weapon may be, that may be fashioned against you. The Lord God almighty says that It Shall Not Prosper. And I pray for you that no physical weapon, no disease of any kind, no illness will work against you or ever prosper against you in the mighty name of Jesus.
At the same time, no spiritual weapon that is fashioned against you will prosper in the mighty name of Jesus. Scripture says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this age, against the spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places. So whatever the spiritual weapon may be, the Lord God almighty says that – it will not prosper against you in the mighty name of Jesus. For those, or whom this spiritual weapon will never prosper, I think you need to say a proper amen. As you enjoy the breakfast, don’t forget also to say an amen.
Praise the Lord! The word of God says in Romans 6:23 that, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.” The truth of the matter is that we deserve any type of consequence we get, we deserve the consequences. That is why the scripture says that truly, the wages of sin are death and all of us. The scripture also says that all of us have sinned and we’ve fallen short of the glory of God. Every human being has sinned, but the word of God says in Galatians 3:13 that Christ has redeemed some of us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us, for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree. So, the truth is that some have been delivered, some have been delivered from every type of curse and if you’re one of those who have been delivered from that type of curse, then, I think you should shout a mighty alleluia.
Why are we delivered? How did we become delivered? I think pastor Paul has said a lot of that today, how come we are delivered? How did we become delivered from the curse of the law? How is it possible for us to condemn those who speak against us? How is it possible to condemn every tongue, which rises against us in judgment? The scripture says the reason is because; this is our heritage as servants of the Lord. And it says that we did not get that righteousness by our actions, by our own doing. The righteousness is the righteousness of God. And that righteousness of God comes because of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross. And that sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for those who are born-again, for those who are saved, for those who accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. They become the servants of the Lord, and the righteousness of God becomes their own. And when the righteousness of God becomes your own, then you can surely, as the scripture says, condemn every tongue that rises up against you in judgment and also, no weapon that is formed or fashioned against you will prosper. Why? Jesus himself said in Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophet, I do not come to destroy but to fulfil every requirement of the law. The wages of sin have been paid by Jesus Christ. He has paid the wages of sin for those who have accepted him as Lord and Saviour. That is why we can say that we are righteous, that is why we can say that we are not condemned and we cannot be condemned. It is possible for us to say that no weapon, no curse, no matter what type of curse it may be will ever prosper against us.
I will just share with you one more scripture, and that’s Colossians 2:14-15. The scripture says, “having wiped out the handwriting of requirements against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them.” That is why it is possible for you and I to say that no weapon that is fashioned against us will prosper because God has already disgraced every principality and power that day that you became saved. The day that he took away every handwriting and requirement of the law against you, he has taken it away. So, now we are free. Now, we are empowered because of the righteousness of God which has become our own, because as the scripture says, He was wounded for our transgressions. So, our transgressions have been taken aware. He was bruised for our iniquities. So there are no more iniquities for those of us who are saved. The chastisement for our peace of mind was upon him. And by His stripes, we are completely healed.
Praise the Lord! Those who are healed by His stripes praise the Lord. And it is because of His stripes that no physical weapon, no disease can be laid upon you. We are free of disease, we are free of curses. No curse, no disease, no physical weapon is capable of coming against us.
Praise Jesus!
So again, I congratulate you on this 10th anniversary, especially because I know that you will see the next prayer breakfast. You will see the next prayer breakfast. I will see that next prayer breakfast. And you will see it in good health; you will see it in prosperity; you will see it in peace and you will be steadfast and you will remain in the Lord. You will see the 20th prayer breakfast as well, the 20th anniversary of the prayer breakfast in good health and peace. And for those who want to see the 50th, then you need to shout a really mighty alleluia.
Alleluia! Amen!
God bless you.